Picture Album VI
Picture Gallery VI
— by Wes Flinn RPT
Piano Tuning Phoenix Picture Gallery VI –
This Album features a 1892 J&C Fischer Upright 57″ Cabinet Grand Custom Refurbishing Project
● All Albums Go to Thumbnails below
● Album II 2010 Falcone Upright
● Album III 2007 Samick SIG-54
● Album IV 1983 Yamaha G2
● Album V 1925 Gulbransen Upright
● Album VI ( this album )
Custom Refurbishing Project
$27,000 — Sold
This piano refurbishing project was one of the most interesting experiences I can remember. The owner called me out to look at the piano, and my first view of it was as stands here to the
right. It was a beautiful example of the “real thing”, a true 57″ tall “Cabinet Grand” upright piano. This is quite significant when we understand even a little of the times in which this piano was built. There was no general electricity system available, no developed transportation system outside the big cities, no radios, no stereos, no PA systems, only primitive victrola phonographs, and the telephone and light bulb had barely arrived. All this scenario explains WHY these HUGE 800-pound monsters were in such demand in those days — the piano-makers could not produce enough of them. These are the music making machines that got into the schools, the public auditoriums, the saloons, the churches, and pulled the world together with music! These goliaths turned the primitive world of those days into centers of music, people, fun, parties, dancing, and social happiness.

1892 J&C Fischer
57″ Upright
Cabinet Grand Piano
See Photo Gallery
Review of this piano.A review by the owner of this 1892 J&C Fischer Cabinet Grand was put up on Google around the year 2012, but was deleted by Google in a Google system upgrade to correct errors on this website. The published text had been archived and saved, however, and it is reprinted here:
Frank Padgett, Mesa AZ