Picture Galleries

Piano Tuning Phoenix by Wes Flinn RPT

Mythological Greek Phoenix

Picture Gallery Index

— by Wes Flinn RPT

Piano Tuning Phoenix Picture Gallery Index

The purpose of this picture gallery is to share information about interesting pianos, as well as to provide illustrations of various issues and subjects brought forth on this website, which is an Internet Book called

“Piano Tuning Phoenix”

Preface. To understand the pictures used on this website, it is necessary to explain: there are three classes of pictures used in the book: (1) pictures of places where the influence of this book is known, as seen in the various pages on locations which can be called up in search engines, such as Phoenix or Tempe or Scottsdale or Surprise, etc.; most of these pictures have links available on this page: Arizona Cities Workshops

(2) Pictures illustrating many of the diverse styles of pianos found in history; to see all these pianos shown in the book, click all the tabs and buttons at top of this page, one at a time.

(3) Pictures that focus on one particular piano, and which are found in the Albums listed above and below on this page.

Top: Estrella Park - Goodyear AZ
Top: Estrella Park – Goodyear AZ
Album I. This entire book comprises Album I. Piano pictures seen on the inside pages of this book follow the theme of suggesting how many diverse styles of pianos have found their way into our lives. The piano as an instrument developed in history around 1700 in Italy, and the first “signed” piano, one that could be identified with an actual artisan craftsman, came in 1709 from an instrument maker named Bartolomeo Cristofori. Piano-making soon spread the world over, and its popularity has not slowed down since — this concept motivated the overall choice of piano pictures that grace the various themes and concepts of the book. As many pictures as appear in the book, however, in no way can depict the actual facts — there are hundreds of books about this, with thousands of pictures to prove the point. Pianos through history reflect the people that wanted and used them to enrich their lives and times. This book then itself becomes Album I of the Picture Gallery.
Center: Sierra Estrella Mountains AZ
Center: Sierra Estrella Mountains AZ

(3) Next, come Albums II onward which focus on one particular piano from its build date to the present day.

All pianos in this Picture Gallery have some special feature or interest about them, some with custom
after-market accessories — details are given on each individual Album Page:

Note on Pricing: Pricing is a completely individual thing on pianos that have been re-worked in some way. It will depend basically on whether the piano was refurbished, or rebuilt or restored to original, or just upgraded. Pianos are usually only upgraded or refurbished — rebuilding and restoration become extremely costly, and are in category of “Barrett and Jackson” automobiles, seldom done except for historical or family heirloom reasons.

2010 Falcone Upright

Custom Maintenance upgrade
$7500 — Sold

2007 Samick SIG-54

● III – 2007 Samick SIG-54
Custom After-market upgrade
$2700 — Sold

1983 Yamaha G2

● IV – 1983 Yamaha G2
Custom After-market upgrade
$11,000 — Sold

1925 Gulbransen Upright

Custom Refurbishing Project
$6500 — Sold

1892 J&C Fischer Upright - 57" Cabinet Grand

Custom Refurbishing Project
$12,000 — Sold

1927 J&C Fischer 5ft-6" - Parlor Grand

● VII – 1927 J&C Fischer 5ft-6″
Parlor Grand
Custom Rebuilding Project
$27,000 — Sold

Designer Cabinet, personally signed by
Designer/Manufacturer Nikolaus Schimmel
$28,000 — Sold
2006  Schimmel Konzert Upright K132DT
2006  Schimmel Konzert Upright K132DT
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