Picture Album V
Picture Gallery V
— by Wes Flinn RPT
Piano Tuning Phoenix Picture Gallery V –
This Album features a 1925 – 51″ Gulbransen Full Upright Custom Refurbishing Project
● Album II 2010 Falcone Upright
● Album III 2007 Samick SIG-54
● Album IV 1983 Yamaha G2
● Album V ( this album )
● Album VI 1892 F&C Fischer Cabinet Grand
1925 – 51″ Gulbransen Full Upright
Custom Refurbishing Project
$6500 — Sold
Story of this piano.
The owner of this piano was actually the one who made this refurbishing project work well. They had owned the piano for about 25 years, and did not know its full history, but it was working reasonably well when it was purchased, and they had grown to like it as a piece of furniture as well as to like the bigger sound a large upright produces. It had reached the end of its performance life, however, just like an old automobile, and she knew that. She had looked at new pianos, considered other used ones as replacements, but the thought still lingered that the family liked this one better than the alternatives. She had also come to know that refurbishing an old piano might be more expensive even than purchasing a new one, that it would take a lot of new parts and a lot of technical work to make it work again. Finally the family came to the agreement that they really did want the old piano to play once again. Another important decision was they did not want a new shiny finish put on it, but rather, keep the “antique look”.

1925 Gulbransen
51″ Upright Piano
See Photo Gallery